
Sunday, August 12, 2012

We the People “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” Romans 13:1 What is the Constitution, what was it based upon, who wrote it, and why? The answers to the questions above are well known facts by most of you who were born, were raised and were educated in the U.S.A. When you think about the Constitution, you probably think of it as ‘the supreme law of the land.” Is it really the way current governance understands it to be? I have read very inspiring books by great theologians and Bible scholars; but “A Christian Manifesto” by theologian Francis A. Schaeffer has enhanced my understanding of why America is at the crossroads it is today. The following is some of what I’ve read, and subscribe to; mixed with my personal opinion. The Lord gave me the exercise of free will to think it, and the Constitution gave me the right to say it. Whether you like what you are reading, or not, it is really not relevant. There is much to be said about what is going on in America, and far too many of us have been intimidated into silence. If you study the Constitution you will find that it was thought of, debated by, agreed upon and signed by God fearing men. The grave responsibility of creating a document that would carry the government for generations to come was upon their shoulders. These great men (some godly leaders Pastor John Witherspoon and William Penn) sought the counsel of God, our Creator, and His Law from which the Constitution was inspired. The forefathers knew that our Constitution should be based on biblical Law if it was to stand the test of time, and the evolution of the human thought, while truly preserving the rights of every individual in the way God envisioned, not in the humanist worldview. Even before that time, when in 1620 the Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact, we read that they came to America for “the advancements of the Christian faith to establish a colony for the glory of God.” Clearly, America’s Christian heritage is a debatable issue only to the humanists who eventually created a version of the Compact leaving out the words mentioning the Pilgrims’ Christian purpose. Now, in Romans 13:1, we read the following message: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Plainly stated by God, the government was NOT founded to be a secular institution but a God-ordained, God fearing, institution for the protection of its citizens from harm, and to deal effectively with the criminal minds. Considering the way in which the forefathers included God in the Constitution is evident that they clearly understood Romans 13:1. America was founded upon Christian precepts and God’s Supreme Law. Between 1920 and 1980, several events prompted what I want to call the beginning of the American Dark Ages. The humanist religion and secularism have gradually caused a shift in the Supreme Court to a sociological entity. It went from being an entity to preserve God-given individual freedom for all, to a body that is bent in preserving the freedom of the few who live in pursuit of the self-centered, materialistic, secular, and sociological law that leaves God out. That was not the intent of the forefathers. I will give several good examples of this shift: 1. In 1920 women were given the right to vote. As such, there were more people voting their desires, and legislators trying to please a greater amount of voters. Gradually the government grew to accommodate the demands of a growing electorate. I am not implying women are to blame for the mammoth grown of government, but more voters do tend to have an effect on the legislative body. When the Constitution was written only men were allowed to vote; that was a lot less people voting. 2. Frederick Moore Vinson (1890-1953), Chief Justice for the United States Supreme Court was quoted as saying, “Nothing is more certain in modern society than the principle that there are no absolutes.” That kind of thinking is likened to the sociological philosophy so pervasive in our current Court system. 3. The Supreme Court wipe-out of religion from our public schools began in 1948 with the prohibition of religious instruction. 4. Torcaso v. Watkins (1961) where all religions, humanism and theistic religions are declared equal. Judeo-Christian and humanist worldviews could never be further apart. 5. Engle v. Vitale (1962) ended officially-sponsored prayer in schools. Folks, this law is being used today to prevent Christian children from praying and from heading prayers in schools. That was not the intent of the law. 6. Murray v. Curlett (1963) led by Atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair, this law ended Bible-reading in American public schools. This law is being used to discourage students from reading the Bible while in school. That was not the intent of this law either! There is an undergoing throttling of religion in public education by the federal government 7. Roe Vs. Wade (1973) the abortion law, and the ultimate example of an arbitrary law that seeks the sociological benefit against the natural law of God which gives every human being the right to existence. 8. In the 80’s, humanist Carl Sagan declared that, “The cosmos is all that is, or ever was or ever will be.” This was a deceiving doctrine that took many young impressionable minds to secularism; while it heralded darkness in the human spirit that exists apart from God. 9. I was completely blown away when in July 2003, Chief Justice Roy Moore of the Alabama Supreme court was ordered by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta to remove the monument of the Ten Commandments he erected in the rotunda of the State Judicial Building, in Montgomery, AL. The Court unanimously ruled that the monument should be removed because: “the monument's presence violates the constitution.” Judge Ed Carnes wrote the ruling on behalf of the court. He stated that if the monument remained, then "the chief justice would be free to adorn the walls of the Alabama Supreme Court's courtroom with sectarian religious murals and have decidedly religious quotations painted above the bench....Every government building could be topped with a cross, or a menorah, or a statue of Buddha, depending upon the views of the officials with authority over the premises." ( . Now, I have deep respect for this man for his stance on capital punishment as the head of Alabama’s capital punishment unit of the Alabama State Attorney General's Office. But, this, was clearly out of character, as it was an arrogant and patronizing statement for someone, I thought, was on the side of God. 10. When the Supreme Court upheld H.R. 3200, the American Dark Ages came to maturity. I am glad that at least they call “tax” the penalty for not buying insurance. Again, it is not about denying healthcare to the needy, but adding 50 million more people to the healthcare system to a 15 trillion debt, who is going to pay for it? Oh, yes, the rich...Let’s get the rich. They never created their own wealth any ways, the government did it; they owe it to us. Plain and simple, Folks, our departure from God’s laws, and our lack of basic knowledge of the government‘s founding, and function are to blame for this shift. Government was not created to provide for our basic needs. God is our provider. God is the only one who can fairly give to each his/her portion. If we allowed God to be our provider, we would not have to worry about all the rich “who make all that money, “who should be forced by the government to give to the poor. That is messing up with free will, Folks! But then, if you have no knowledge or reverence for the Word of God, you will not understand the basic concept about how God created mankind, and government, and what our relationship to government should be. The Lord Jesus told us in Matthew 26:11, “For you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me.” I don’t believe Jesus was advocating re distribution of wealth or He would have said so specifically. The Lord did charge us to care for the poor, a calling for the church and not the government’s. Clearly in the Scripture passage above, the Lord Jesus meant that we need to draw nearer to Him first if we ever have a hope to act as vessels of His grace and mercy to the poor. Truth is that many rich are also ungodly because of their wealth...Well, I have so much money; what would I need God for? Just as many poor are also ungodly....Well, the government gives me all I want; what would I need God for? Yet, God did not set government to subvert the exercise of free will for anyone, the rich or the poor. Yet, only the rich is being held accountable to give back, by trampling on the exercise of his free will. Not even God does it; why would the government do it? Because it does not know what its true purpose is. The government was created for the protection of the citizenry. How is our federal government protecting us? Is our government effectively protecting us from foreign or domestic enemies? I let you answer this one. In this post modern era in which the very existence of God is questioned, and the absolutes taught by God in His word for His people are discarded, the rise of the individualist’s worldview rises as the authority the majority must adhere to. As such, some people have challenged Truth through the courts and have been successful in getting the courts to make the necessary changes to please their self-centered desires while rendering the vast majority powerless to fight back. You can clearly see how the erosion of faith principles has gradually changed the minds of the guardians of the Constitution. Atheists, humanists, and the liberal academia’s elite will argue that the intent of the First Amendment is the separation of church and state. Their claim is that the Amendment’s purpose is to remove God not just from all sphere of government, but from the American society. This is a clear departure from the intent of the law and a false and deceptive interpretation. The Amendment in plain terms states: “the government will not create a church of its own to force people to worship or contribute to it.” That’s all folks! The intent of the law is that people have the freedom to choose their own religion and the freedom to practice it, and that the government will not interfere with it, or force you to follow a government-made religion!!! Folks, our God is the only God...No other God can claim to be GOD. Therefore, if we are God’s people, we know Him, and uphold His Law as the basis for our laws, why would any government official be persuaded to allow a monument of any other god to be erected on government property? They would simply say, “This is America and we worship God and His name is Yahweh; monuments to be erected in Federal property are ONLY those to honor God like the cross and the menorah. If you worship any other god, perhaps you need to go back home or to your church, to worship your own god, and erect whatever monument you want.” Do you see how the lack of basic understanding about God and of the Constitution is able to render us powerless to even defend our religious rights, in our own soil, against intrusion by religious sects and taking our country where God did not intend for it to go? Do public schools teach Government and Ethics, or do they teach Religion and Morality, or are Law schools teaching Constitutional Law? How many of our congressmen/congresswomen are lawyers? How many of these really understand the Constitution? We have removed God, Bible and prayer from our schools, God from the government, and respect for the sanctity of human life from the tapestry of America. We are now trying to redefine “family “ as something other than the perfect union of one man and one woman and an institution created by God as the basis for the human society. We have people believing that they were born homosexuals. Folks, this is equivalent to calling God a liar! The all knowing God created man first and from him He formed woman, and not the way around. The feminist movement has done so much harm to the family institution that many are too blind to see. As we have shifted away from the most basics tenets of God’s natural law and order, our government stands ready to enable our national and spiritual demise in an effort to stop our whining. As the parent that succumbs to the demands of a child’s temper tantrum, our federal government is giving us what we want, not what God meant for us to have. Since the government can no longer keep carrying the heavy monster of its own making, it has turned to the working class, to the job creators, and to the rich demanding they give more. Those who chose to work, and who regularly contribute to the common good are slapped, reviled and threatened with higher taxes. Why? To bail out the “occupiers,” and all those who wait for a government handout. No wonder the government is seen as the savior of the healthcare system too! I am not trying to be insensitive to the needy, far from it. I am merely stating that when the government throws money at people, it is in fact, buying its affection. As such, the government is actually destroying these people. How is that? When election time comes who will they vote for? Not their conscience, but for Santa Clause, a.k.a. the government, giving it an added advantage to prolong its failed policies and ungodly governance. In this recently health care ruling, the Supreme Court has given our government the right to mess with our God-given fee will, and in so doing to dictate to the individual how we should live. The government that can do this is capable of signing an executive order, tomorrow, to take away all your other rights, and to declare itself the supreme law of the land. This could happen any day if government is allowed to continue to rule as if it was king. We must remain watchful of the government and what it is doing. Become informed of the Executive Orders being signed and what they mean to us. While we cry over those whose lives were so cruelly taken, and pray over the survivors of the senseless and horrible massacre in Aurora, Colorado we must not be blindsided by those who will surely come up to cry out for individual gun control. Historically, tragedies like these are used by the gun control lobby to further it agenda to take guns away from the citizenry and thus render us impotent to defend ourselves from criminals and from government abuse. In biblical times, when there was no king (the king was an agent of God to the people) the people perished because they did whatever was right in their own eyes. The purpose of the government is to protect, and one of the ways government does this is by a quick trial and sentencing of killers, and not by taking the people’s guns away. How many laws have been enacted to protect the rights of the guilty at the expense of the rights of the victims? The death penalty is seen today as barbarian...True is that grace and mercy as God’s attributes and also His people’s; however, without adequate deterrent for those who murder, murder rates will continue to rise. Legal or not, those with murder in their mind will always find ways to acquire guns. As God’s people we understand that God is in control. He is sovereign over the affairs of man, and this does not mean we have to remain silent when we see abuse going on. We have a responsibility to speak to the future generations about what is happening today. History tends to repeat itself. DOD abuses, political correctness, humanism, race baiting, inadequate immigration laws, and lack of personal accountability, are but a few of the enemies within that are destroying America just as much as the Fort Hood gunman, Maj. Nidal Hasan destroyed the lives of his own comrades. Most of this mayhem has been aided and abetted by the arbitrary federal government’s attack on the Constitution. Let us remember that the government is not God. Government, as an institution created by God is accountable to Him, and then to us, the taxpayer. Without God a government will corrupt itself and will function to feed from you and me, the taxpayer, to grow bigger and without our permission. That was not the intent of the forefathers!!!! Remember why the Boston Tea Party was formed. National election’s day is coming. Let us elect the man who can best represent our views and values. Let us elect the man with the best chance to help restore America the Great and the values that made her once so blessed by God. Let us elect a man with proven record of having a relationship with God, and a man whose past is easily researched. Let us elect a man who knows the Constitution forward and backward. Let us elect a man who clearly understands what it is to be an American and whose birth certificate will never come under scrutiny. Together, all of us, God’s people, we can reclaim the Republic and restore her to the beginning when God was King in America. Let us “Give to Caesar what its Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” Matthew 22:2 Homework: Read, “A Christian Manifesto” and “How Should We Then Live?” Both by Francis A. Schaeffer, and “Commentaries on the Law of England,” by William Blackstone. “Triumph of the American Nation,” by Lewis Paul Todd.

Friday, January 7, 2011

List of Missionaries for 4th Short-term mission trip to Panama

Hello Everyone,
Just thought you may want to have a full list of all missionares going to the 4th Short-term Mission Trip to La Chorrera, Panama
1. Ruby Anderson
2. Eden Bengtson
3. Tim Bengtson
4. Dr. Sabrina Black
5. Tamara Buesing
6. Suzie Buesing
7. Kimberly Davis
8. Karen Donald
9. Dr. Lisa Fuller
10. Peggy Funk
11. Georgia Hill
12. Jonathan Huff
13. Bob Kinny
14. Jacob Kinny
15. Dr. Richard Klingler
16. Norma Klingler
17. Dani Onken
18. Curtis Ridley
19. Nicoela Terrell
20. Renee Welch
21. Chloerine Wimberly

We humbly ask that you keep them in your prayers as we are on the final stretch!!!
Many details are being worked on, fundraising is still going on, activities' schedules are being programmed, coordination with national missionaries, permit with the Ministry of Health, airline tickets, coordination of local transportation, etc.
Thank you, and God bless!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010


(trabajando) Tim está ________________ mucho hoy
(working) Tim is working a lot today

(hablando) Dani está ______________con su hermana
(talking) Dani is talking to her sister

(graduando) Suzie se esta _______________ en mayo
(graduating) Suzie is graduating in May

(pintando) Jacob esta _______________su cuarto verde
(painting) Jacob is painting is room green

(leyendo) Tammy está _____________ la lección de hoy
(reading) Tammy is reading today’s lesson

(estudiando) Dani esta ____________ química
(studying) Dani is studying chemistry

(predicando) Bob estará ______________el próximo domingo
(preaching) Bob will be preaching next Sunday

(caminando) Tammy está___________________muy lentamente
(walking) Tammy is walking very slowly

(nadando) Jacob estará _______________ en las olimpiadas
(swimming) Jacob will be swimming in the Olympics

(durmiendo) Pam está ______________por que está muy cansada
(sleeping) Pam is sleeping because she is very tired

(corriendo) Dani está _______________más rápido que Tammy
(running) Dani is running faster than Tammy

(comiendo) Richard está ____________ muchos M & M’s
(eating) Richard is eating a lot of M & M’s

(sufriendo) Tim está ______________mucho con dolor de muela
(suffering) Tim is suffering a lot from a toothache

(llorando) Eden está ______________ porque su perrito está enfermo
(crying) Eden is cráying because her puppy is very sick

(cantando) Suzie est _________________ en la ópera
(singing) Suzie is singing in the Opera

(mirando) Sabrina está _______________a la luna
(looking) Sabrina is looking at the moon

(hablando) Ruby está__________________ con el Pastor
(talking) Ruby is talking to the Pastor

(paseando) Tim y Tina están ___________________ en su motorcicleta
(riding) Tim y Tina are riding on their bike

(creció) Suzie ________________ más alta que su mamá
(grew) Suzie grew taller than her mom

(remodelando) Tim está ________________ su casa en la playa
(remodeling) Tim is remodeling his beach house

(dijo) Norma _______________ que su mamá viene hoy
(said) Norma said that mom is coming today

(cargando) Tammy está _________________ el bebé de Pam
(carrying) Tamy is carrying Pam’s baby

(construyendo) Bob y Tim están ________________ una casa
(building) Bob & Tim are building a house

(sonríe) Lisa ________________ a los niños en su clase
(smiles) Lisa smiles to the children in her class

(contento) El niñito está __________ al ver a su gatito otra vez
(happy) The little boy is happy to see his kitten again

(disfrutando) Todos estamos __________________ un día muy placentero
(enjoying) We are all enjoying a very pleasant day

(lloviendo) Está ____________ muy fuerte
(raining ) It is raining very hard

Important Updates!!!

Hello Fellow Missionaries,
For all of you who have already made a decision to go to the Short-term Mission Trip to Panama scheduled for Feb 4-13, 2011, we would like to remind you of a few things:
Application Deadline- All applications and the first half of your contribution must reach Global Projects by Nov. 15, and the second half is due by Dec 15. The idea is to purchase tickets before year’s end, with the hope of getting cheaper tickets.
Logo Contest - Everyone is encouraged to participate in this contest..We are hoping that you all will help shape this ministry starting with the logo!!! We have extended the deadline to DEC 1 because no entries have been received; perhaps people are not aware this is going on.
Request for Financial Support - We have posted a revised REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT for all of you who are still doing your fundraising. The Donor Cards remain the same. Make sure before you print that the backs coincide with the fronts.
Spanish Lessons – We have posted a new Spanish lesson, and will try to get a new one each week, so please visit the blog often!!!!
More to follow!!
With love in Christ,

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hello Fellow Missionaries!!!!UPDATE!!!!!

We stand amazed at the way the Lord continues to bless the effort for this coming trip...More people have been added to the group...PRAISE TeHE LORD!!! We were given the opportunity to talk about the trip at Chapel last Sunday, and we get to show the PPP next Sunday, another opportunity! GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!
We heard from our friends the Zambranos in Panama, and were told that the Military Ministry conference there last month, with the military police, opened the door for us to offer a program to the police members and spouses..Godly police/armed forces have a tremendous opportunity to posititvely impact the society for Christ. Please pray as details are still schetchy as to exacly what our emphasis should be in this first outreach.
Also, plans for the youth concert are progressing...Grupo Trigo is active in the community and they are gathering names of all the local Christian congregations to invite them to participate. Please pray for prepared hearts to hear a fresh word from God, and for the unchurched and unsaved to hear the GOOD NEWS!
The ladies have been busy doing funraising projects, and making mom's and kids' school bags, quilts, and letters are being sent to local hospitals to gather medical supplies.
If any of you has access to the administration of your local hospital, and would like to see if they would have something to donate, we have a letter you can personalize and send.
We have some ideas for the Women's day Retreats, and if you have any ideas for a short program or a craft you are willing to teach, or any gifts you want to share with the ladies, please let us know!!
Remember that as long as you are in Christ, you are competent to minister..If you think you have no gifts to offer, do not let it stop you...God is interested in your heart...If you are willing He will equip you for the work He prepared in advance for you to do.
Take hearts my friends, God's plans will succeed..You only have to look at all prophecy already fulfilled...
Come join His work in Panama...For King and kingdom!!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010


As you know by now, there is a logo contest for Alpha & Omega Family Ministries.

1. Submit as a PDF file, and send to
2. Include your full name, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address
3. Logo must be no more than two colors..White is one of the colors
4. Only original/unpublished art work will be acceptable
5. Logo must include reference to the three parts of the ministry: medical care, family outreach, orphanage
6. A cross must be a part of the logo
7. Logo must incluse the phrase, "Jesús," la Fundación de la sociedad humana"



Winner and two second places will be announced..
Undisclosed prize awarded to the WINNER.